This week, Destiny is again joined by her Abnormal Mapping/Trashpect Ratio/Books For Crooks co-host, Matthew, to talk about the end of 2015. They also talk about some things that aren't so 2015, like being too gay for weddings, vegan meatloaf, and gundam model building. They even manage to talk about The Force Awakens and The Hateful Eight without spoilers, so you should give this a listen!
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Spoilers for the Following: The Revenge of the Sith
Relevant Links:
Neem Karoli Baba
Giant Beastcast Christmas Fiasco game
Giant Squid video
Gunpla 101
Lady Gaga, "Monster"
Leslie Odom, jr., "Wait For It" (from Hamilton aka the only thing I care about these days)
Rhea Butcher and Carmen Esposito are cute and married
Fucking Books:
Tampa by Alyssa Nutting
Be Here Now by Ram Dass